Press Releases
Statista Newsroom
Statista launches new service brand Statista+ and helps companies achieve data-based excellence
In July 2024, Statista launches its new brand Statista+, which, in addition to its well-known business database, unites the company's additional service offerings under one roof. The new brand...
Statista is transforming the data research experience with the introduction of Research AI
<p> </p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="588" height="254" /></p> <p>__</p> <p><strong>Statista</strong> is one of the world's leading companies for statistical and market data, empowering people globally to make fact-based decisions. With an extensive database of over 1.5 million statistics on more than 80,000 topics, <a href=""> provides high-quality, reliable, and relevant data for international businesses, governments, research, and educational institutions. Founded in 2007 in Germany, Statista now employs more than 1,400 people at 13 locations worldwide.</p> <p> </p>" class="pressPanel__text margin-bottom-20 margin-horizontal-30 margin-horizontal-s-15"> Hamburg, Germany. Statista, a global leader in data and market analysis, proudly announces the official launch of its new generative AI product, Research AI. Research AI marks a milestone...
Statista appoints Franzis Heusel as Vice President Editorial Content
Hamburg, Germany. As of May 1, 2024, Franzis Heusel has been appointed as the new Vice President (VP) Editorial Content at Statista. With over 25 years of experience in developing editorial...
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Sarah Albrecht-Fuhrmann
Senior Corporate Communications Manager
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